How are your GRE score calculated? Let GRE tutor help you pass with flying colors!

GRE score is calculated differently compared to the other exams we take in schools.

The GRE uses an adaptive scoring algorithm. What is that?

Simply put, your performance on the first section determines the difficulty of the second section.

1. Does the GRE score mean the number of questions answered incorrectly?

That’s not correct!

The highest total GRE score you can get is 340. Both Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections are scored between 130 and 170, in one-point increments. Even if you fail every question, you will get a minimum score of 260.

In fact, the total GRE score is not about the number of questions answered incorrectly but is associated with a percentile ranking!

2. The logic behind GRE score calculation

Although the logic is not announced officially, we can figure it out from the mock tests and the data of examinees. The logic is as follows.

Difficult level is usually medium in Section 1. Therefore, try your best in Section 1!

The number of questions answered correctly in Section 1:

0-6→  question sets of easy level

The number of questions answered correctly in Section 1:

7-13→  question sets of medium level

The number of questions answered correctly in Section 1:

14-20→ question sets of hard level

In fact, the score is not only related to the number of questions answered correctly, but also related to the difficulty level. So, what is difficulty level? Difficulty level ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult.

Easy questions: Difficulty level 1, 2 and 3

Medium questions: Difficulty level 3 and 4

Hard questions: Difficulty level 4 and 5

For example, if the number of questions answered correctly is 20, there are three different results!

  Number of questions answered correctly in Section 1Number of questions answered correctly in Section 2Verbal score

It all depends on the difficulty level! That’s why I suggest you try your best in section 1. Try to score as highest as you can!

3. Quant scoring rules

The scoring rules for GRE Quant Section is based on a simple formula derived from a large number of students’ data. Most of the students in Asia score high in Section 1, so we assume that the number of questions answered correctly in Section 1 is 14-20 and Section 2 are question sets of hard level.

The formula is as follows.

Quant Score =170- Number of questions answered incorrectly+1

For example, you score 162 in Quant section


It means that the number of questions answered incorrectly is nine

Now you know how to calculate the number of questions answered incorrectly. Honestly, the quantitative section is harder on the GMAT than on the GRE for most test-takers, so there are more chances of getting a high score in GRE. If you didn’t do well at the first attempt taking the GRE, you can set your target score for the next attempt. In other words, you have to know how many questions you can afford to get wrong. Keep that in mind when practicing and taking the GRE exam! I hope you reach your target score!